Dear Kevin Nam,
Thank you for using a free copy of novaPDF Standard, your product key is included below.
To activate your copy of novaPDF Standard just follow these steps:
1. Open novaPDF
2. The Activate application window will appear and you need to press "Already bought" button. If you previously used the trial, you need to open the activation window by going to Start and searching for "novaPDF Printer Manager". Once that's opened, go to the About window and click on "Enter product key".
3. In the "Activation" window, you need to enter the "Product key" mentioned below. For "Name" you can use any name you like (i.e. your name, company name, computer name).
Product key: 9295-B005-A8BF-D6A7-B5AD-735B-C8C2-D416
The above details have to be copied/pasted in the Activation window of novaPDF. You can read this article for details regarding the activation:
If you are getting an error message saying 'Invalid registration key' it either means that you didn't copy the product key correctly, or you are using a wrong version of novaPDF.
For the registration to work be sure you are installing novaPDF Standard using the setup provided by Softland and that you copy and paste the exact registration information provided above. If you still cannot register novaPDF Standard, leave a message on the forum at
To find out more on how to use novaPDF visit our knowledgebase at
Kind regards,
The novaPDF team